Sunday, May 20, 2007

Adventure on Adventure Island!

"Crikey!" said Terry as he opened the curtains in the gang's room, allowing the light to stream in, "What a splendid morning! I say, chaps, what shall we do today?"
The sunlight had woken the others, who were now rubbing sleep from their eyes and throwing off sheets. Their parents were stationed in Malaya and were unable to make it back home for the hols, but they had arranged for the four children (and Bob) to go and stay with Mrs. Fairfax, an old family friend who had moved to Adventure Island to run a bed and breakfast.
"I say we go exploring!" piped up Ted as he came to join Terry by the window.
"What a smashing idea," said Jerry, "Mrs. Fairfax said the beach at Deadman's Bay has some super rock pools. We could look for crabs. Or build sand castles."
"Or," said Terry, "we could ask Mrs. Fairfax to pack us a picnic and we could hike over to Devil's Cave and see if that old legend is true."
"I don't know that I like the sound of that!" exclaimed Bunty, who was getting Bob out of his cage.
"But it'll be an adventure," insisted Terry, "and you know what jolly good fun an adventure can be."
Bunty gripped Bob firmly to her chest, "It might be dangerous."
"Nonsense," said Terry, who always liked to have the last word, "The only danger to people on Adventure Island is that they might die of boredom. What could possibly happen to us here?"



Blogger clare said...

Brilliant, David! It is all gorgeous, and such fun - happy memories of Famous Five, or something. The white rabbit is a lovely touch, too.


7:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It looks fantastic!
I love Kidnap Creek!:o)
You painted with acrylics? Is it not a moleskin?

12:46 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

bloody fantastic David! it was well worth the wait. it looks like you had fun painting it.

2:58 PM  
Blogger David Dean said...

Well, not quite worth waiting OVER A MONTH for, but thanks! :o)
Christiane: yes it is a moleskine, but I had no problems with the paint. I find they take acrylics very well, being such nice heavy paper.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jolly spiffing that. Love it!

12:31 AM  
Blogger FES said...

Absolutely Wizard!

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what ho, chocs away and all that - rather nice, young man :)

2:50 AM  
Blogger Gretel said...

David you am an genius! :)

11:08 AM  
Blogger Un Peu Loufoque said...

You didn't by any chance read "Casyaway Christmas" as a child did you! gosh spiffingly good stuff!

11:41 AM  

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